Concept Schools, Gulen Charter Schools Midwest operations

Concept Schools, Gulen Charter Schools Midwest operations
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Monday, April 15, 2013

Concept Schools expansion of CMSA stopped by community opposed to Gulenists managed charter schools

Gulenist operated charter schools in the midwest are under the Concept Schools management, headed by liar Salim Ucan.  Salim aka Salim the Slime has had many problems with paying back h1-b Visa fees and other schools being denied.
A charter school company has pulled out of a possible Lincoln Square location after residents protested the school at a neighborhood meeting.
A Concept Schools representative said community resistance and poor timing led officials to withdraw their request for the charter school’s location. The charter school management company applied for a zoning change at 2050 W. Balmoral Ave. with Ward 40 Ald. Patrick O’Connor earlier in March.
Residents and members of the Chicago Teachers Union objected the proposal at a Bowmanville Community Organization meeting March 21. A 70-person crowd convened outside of the North Community Bank on Western Avenue, and BCO representatives had to limit the number of residents inside the bank due to fire code restrictions.
The meeting was the same night CPS announced nearby Trumbull Elementary School was on a list of 54 schools to close in the fall of 2013, when the proposed charter school would open.
“It was probably the worst timing for us to be there that night,” Concept Schools Vice President Salim Ucan told Patch. “We kind of expected that. Alderman O’Connor had given us a head’s up on what the issues might be, so we knew going in that we may face some challenges."
Ucan said he understood the community’s perspective on the new charter school because of its close proximity to Trumbull.
“It doesn’t make sense to shut down the facility and have an empty building and build another facility two blocks from it,” he said.
Read Entire Article here

Chicago Math and Science Academy (CMSA), under Concept Schools takes Trip to Turkey

Over Spring Break, some members of our CMSA family went to Turkey as part of the annual Spring Break International trips organized by Concept Schools.
A group of 42 CMSA students, parents, teachers and chaperons had a chance to visit Turkey’s major cities such as Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, and Kayseri where they explored the country’s major touristic attractions. They had the opportunity to experience the culture and traditions first hand and taste the various flavors of Turkish cuisine. All participants admitted to having enjoyed the trip and many of them are eager to visit Turkey once again.
We would like to thank all of our participants for making our trip so enjoyable. We also appreciate the effort Concept Schools put into creating such a well organized trip for us.

posing in front of the former Church St. Hagia Sophia, converted to the Grand Mosque now a museum with no mention of the original builders of the one - time church.
isn't there something creepy about a church converted to a mosque?