Concept Schools, Gulen Charter Schools Midwest operations

Concept Schools, Gulen Charter Schools Midwest operations
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Gulen "Inspired" Concept Schools dba Horizon Science Academies, Quest Academy, Chicago Math and Science Academy, Indiana Math and Science Academy and more.

Using Turk­ish Islamic teach­ers just the tip of the ice­berg in char­ter irregularities!
Exhibit 1
Chicago char­ter schools import 474 Turk­ish Mus­lim teach­ers as 40k Amer­i­can teach­ers go unem­ployed,” pub­lished on Novem­ber 22, 2014, reported the lat­est antics of char­ter school operators:
Hori­zon Sci­ence Acad­emy in Bond Hill… employs seven for­eign teach­ers, mostly from Turkey, brought to the U.S. on H-1B visas for jobs it says Ohio teach­ers are unqual­i­fied to fill.
Con­cept Schools, founded by fol­low­ers of a Turk­ish Islamic cleric secluded in the Poconos, already is under fed­eral and state scrutiny for pos­si­ble irreg­u­lar­i­ties in teacher licens­ing, test­ing and tech­nol­ogy contracts.
An Enquirer inves­ti­ga­tion has found that Chicago-based Con­cept Schools, which runs Hori­zon and 17 other char­ter schools in Ohio, annu­ally imports dozens of for­eign teach­ers in num­bers that far sur­pass any other school sys­tem in the state.
At least 474 for­eign teach­ers, again mostly from Turkey, have arrived at Concept’s Ohio schools between 2005 and 2013. The schools are col­lect­ing about $45 mil­lion in state funds annu­ally to edu­cate 6,600 chil­dren in kinder­garten through high school.…
The Ohio Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion is weigh­ing com­plaints from for­mer Con­cept staffers that unli­censed, for­eign teach­ers were used.
Ohio teach­ers, mean­while, say plenty of qual­i­fied teach­ers are avail­able for jobs being filled by the for­eign­ers, espe­cially since about 40,000 are still with­out teach­ing jobs because of the reces­sion. [bold and red in original]
Exhibit 2
Are Amer­i­cans who live in cities where char­ter schools exist exam­in­ing their prop­erty tax bills?
Is the fact that their prop­erty taxes are going, in many cases, directly into the pock­ets of for-profit enti­ties, not into the tra­di­tional school bud­get cof­fer, not of some con­cern to them?
Is the fact that char­ter schools have no school boards that rep­re­sent the vot­ers of the entire munic­i­pal­ity of no con­cern to them?
Is the fact that Com­mu­nist Core Marx­ist cur­ricu­lum, assess­ment and reme­di­a­tion of their children’s atti­tudes, val­ues and beliefs will exist in their child’s char­ter school, and they won’t have the right to com­plain about “it” not of con­cern to them?
Is the fact that char­ter schools are being used to teach reli­gion of no con­cern to them?
There used to be a pro­hi­bi­tion against tax-funded pub­lic edu­ca­tion pro­mot­ing reli­gious beliefs. Many state con­sti­tu­tions for­bid tax money going to reli­gious schools! Why is this uncon­sti­tu­tional char­ter school entity not being chal­lenged in the courts?
What is it going to take for the hard-hit Amer­i­can tax­payer and/or par­ent to wake up and focus on the prob­lem of tax-funded  gov­ern­ment schools with no elected boards (char­ter schools)… and, in addi­tion, to wake up and under­stand that once the gov­ern­ment funds any form of pri­vate educ­tion,  includ­ing reli­gious and home edu­ca­tion, that this edu­ca­tion entity in effect becomes “public”/“government” edu­ca­tion (the kind of edu­ca­tion one finds in Cuba, China, or any Social­ist, Com­mu­nist country)?
What is it going to take for Amer­i­cans to real­ize that the inter­na­tion­al­ists, Neo­con­ser­v­a­tives, Left­ists, cor­po­ra­tions and their phil­an­thropic agen­das (such as Bill Gates), the Coun­cil on For­eign Rela­tions, the U.S. Dept. of Edu­ca­tion and the Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion “mafia” do NOT care about their children’s futures? They all sup­port tax-funded school choice in order to imple­ment the life­long global work­force train­ing agenda. This Com­mu­nist work­force agenda can­not be imple­mented with­out tax-funded school choice.

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